I'm Not a Punk Anymore

Role: Director of Photography

Directed by Dan Britt


Baker Terry as Baz THE PUNK
Joseph Pelling as GUITAR GUY 
Beetle as THE DOG

Production Company: Deadly Films

Produced by: Liam Acton, Tommy Bolwell & Dan Britt

Music by Dan Britt

Perhaps the best fun I’ve had on a film set. Shot on less than a shoe string; in the middle of a heat wave; in one very very long 19 hour shoot day. Scroll down for pictures and a 1 minute skate video!!

Zero chill with this guy…

Zero chill with this guy…

Antonia Trister (Toni) Doing her ting with that amazing hair…..

Antonia Trister (Toni) Doing her ting with that amazing hair…..

Beetle and Bake on a rest between scenes.

Beetle and Bake on a rest between scenes.